Pallet Of The Sea

  • Prep Time
    45 Mins
  • Cook Time
    55 Mins
  • Serving
  • View
    1 744


Pallet Of The Sea


Step 1

Peel the carrots, turnips and cucumber. Cut the flesh with a melon baller. Cook them in b

Step 2

Scatter two chopped shallots in a dish, sprinkle with tarragon. Place the sea bass with salt and pepper on top. Pour 10 cl of dry white wine and 10cl of water. Cook for 20 minutes in the oven (210°C).

Step 3

Boil 15 cl of wine, a chopped shallot and tarragon in a stewpot for 5 minutes. Add the washed mussels, open them for 5 min on high heat. Strain the broth from the sea bass and mussels into a frying pan. Poach the monkfish fillets in it for 10 minutes at a simmer. Add the rolled sole fillets for 5 minutes. Then cook the scampi for 2 minutes; drain them. Add the scallops, remove from heat and drain.

Step 4

Boil and reduce the broth over high heat until about 10 cl remains. Remove from the heat and add the butter in small pieces. Check the seasoning, add the rest of the chopped tarragon and finish with a dash of lemon.

Step 5

Coat six preheated serving plates with this sauce. Arrange the sole and monkfish fillets and seafood on top. Sprinkle with the drained vegetables. Serve immediately, accompanied by with the remaining sauce in a sauceboat. Our advice : A Parisian spoon looks like a miniature ice cream scoop. If the carrots are too hard to scoop out, make cubes and round off with a knife. Sole fillets rolled to perfection? Hold them together with wooden skewers. And remember to remove them before to carry to the table.

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  • Shirleyt

    This was both informative and hilarious! For more details, click here: LEARN MORE. What’s your take?

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